Me, Consulting, Information, Branding and Innovations



That is what I felt and saw few years ago in a building of LVMH, inside of their famous black elevator – quiet, no sound, no light – nothing, scaring like everything was over … but when I went out  …wow – bright products and visual merchandising, design, music – suddenly everything became brighter and clearer …

Looks like in business – every day there are the same things – and once you stop to feel… You need changes. Consulting – is a kind of black elevator that will shake you and highlight the points, direction and strategy. Everything will be new. Everything you did not think about …or forgot.

And also it will give you the information. When I was a child my father told me that “information is the most expensive and the biggest value in life”. At this site, and during our meetings, we’ll talk about management in fashion industry, but not by scientific, theoretical language of consulting (looks like the specialists speak this way just to be mysterious, to look genius and to be paid more); we shall speak by examples and cases, by practical simple language. I really missed that when I was studying in London and Paris, when I was making first start ups and developing many directions in fashion industry – retail, advertisement… All this came to me later. Entire management is not the papers; it is something what you face every day. And that works.

We begin today with Branding. When I was a baby and collecting labels from expensive French dresses, I did not know that my hobby was called branding. And I did not know that later, when, during the moments of loneliness and sadness, I was speaking with these dresses (almost by Remark), and when I was interested by the lily on the arm of Milady (“The Three Musketeers”).

But once few years ago in Paris I saw the first advertising of the perfume “Parisienne” by YSL, which was all about my dreams of the moment – to become a part of them, Parisians, beautiful, sexy and at the same time free and independent. The slogans, brand message shouted to me: “Live and love now without delay” – constant words of my psychologists to me. So, I was running to buy this perfume (stayed faithful to it for many years) … And soon, nine months later, I got my daughter. This way branding came into my life forever.

And that is exactly what marketers call “managing the brand to involve into the customers’ stories”- the innovation in branding (and not vice versa, as before – not to engage customers into the brand’s story).

TIP: take consulting and make the profile of your client, think about what he is, and how he would like to see himself, what is it his story, mood, objectives, problems now. Try not to analyze data – age and geography (not the most important now), but only his emotional situation. Now it is more difficult for a human to solve the psychological problems than vital. For this he is ready to pay – so create his mood board, involve your brand in his story, make him happy. Then he is going to become your loyal client, and he’ll make you rich!

How to Manage Fashion Business Abroad




Often I heard from different international companies that they have opened stores in Russia, and … no profits. Why? The territory of Moscow can be compared to the territory of one of the European countries. What is the problem?

And the problem is that it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the country, to adapt your international standards according to these specifics, in the team with the experts of this country, and even better with those of them, who know the world standards also.

For example, there is the specific of Russian customers: the customers prefer unnecessary to necessary. And the specific of Russian staff: “Stealing” (Karamzin)

And now we’ll speak about how the company loses Russian audience at own territory. Few years ago I was looking something in “Baby Dior” boutique at avenue Montaigne in Paris. Suddenly Russian client nervously asked about baby coat made of natural furs with the price of three thousands Euros approximately. And the seller, without turning to the client, was answering: “J’arrive”. “J’arrive” – is the specific of the French personnel and is the perfect weapon to kill the Russian client…

TIP:  If your customer profile is a foreigner, no matter whether you are going to open stores at his territory or you want him to buy at yours, – consult with international experts to research the specifics in details, find the differences like in children’s puzzles, correct them and build the entire management taking into account these specifics.

What’s Happening in Ukraine



spravaukrainechbThere is the world crisis and the catastrophe with the sales in Ukraine. The fashion sales are few times less in 2015 (in 2014 – 50% less and 14 fashion brands,8 fashion networks left Ukraine).You think that the war is the problem? Or inflation? Or crisis?

Now, ask yourself honestly – how often you were willing to spend your money in one of the Ukrainian stores, but in response there was no necessary product, the sellers tried to push you to buy other goods, the price was crazy, the service was horrible? So that means that the reason is different – Marketing.

With all these problems around, businessmen have forgotten about it. Entrepreneurs think only how to survive and “grab” today, because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. That’s the circle. So nothing is working today.

And this is going on during the great changes in marketing – innovations named individualization.

The reality of today is reminding me Samobranka Tablecloth (movie “Magicians” by Strugatsky):

“What do you want, citizens? … So you’ll look around or you’ll make the order?

– Please, cream cake for me.

-Not existing.

-Well, then, please, give me simply scrambled three eggs.

-Izh, are you dreaming? Just two eggs.

-Tea with lemon?

-Are you crazy, where did you see lemons during wintertime?!

-Then tea with sugar and two cheese sandwiches.

-We don’t have sandwiches.

-What do you have? …

-What are the clients?!…”

TIP:  and how it is in your company? Especially when the owner is not there? Maybe it’s time to remember about marketing, to think, to get consulting; and the science about sales will bring you the Sales?